Tuesday 11 December 2018

Wakey wakey...

There are so many things that I have to write about, not exciting things (my life isn't a thrill ride), but I never really know what to write, so I stopped.

I kept thinking that when I had a concrete idea or neat story all perfectly wrapped up with brown paper and tied up with string I would get back in front of the ancient laptop and write something useful or helpful or inspirational or moving or even just silly. But then the noise in my head just kept getting in the way and not letting me have enough wiggle room to even conceive of a 'thing' to write about.

Then a friend said, "Come on, girrrrl, just get writing! Anything. Nothing polished, even. You have NO idea how your words might help someone else." And to be honest it was a welcome kick in the pants. Truth does that. And I was full of resolve that the very next morning I would get up and write something, anything.

So here I am, writing something.

Well, actually, five whole months after that conversation, writing something. 

Why did it take me so long? Fear mostly. Because this isn't a blog that will always be nice or very shiny. Sometimes (often) it will be angry, honest and, hopefully, provocative. I want people to wake the fuck up and see the other people, the other creatures, the other living beings, the whole world around them and see the Creative Hand in it all. And I want the world to actually really, fully, truly, madly, deeply love all of the goodness that they see and I want to hear less and less "US" and "THEM" BS when talking about "other people".

And I'm often the one falling at the first hurdle. But that doesn't nullify my argument or render my words void or abnegate my responsibility to stand up and speak Truth to Power and All.

Another reason that it took so long was another sustained sit-in by the Depression Monkeys of Doom speaking likes into my brain spaces and not leaving me alone one second of the day. It has been hard and horrible to be trying to deal with the depression and that then be exacerbated by massive spikes in all of the anxiety nonsense because of the building work going on in my home. Or, not going on, as is now the case. Why can't people just do the fucking job they claim they are qualified for (and have been paid tonnes of money, that may or may not be able to be claimed back from them, for)? Honestly! 

Sometimes I just wanna stab people inna face.

But that doesn't solve anything. So instead I try very hard to forgive and move on. Holding onto anger is always a self-defeating, destructive exercise. I learned long ago that rage needs to be channelled, not in violent ways, but in constructive ways. Easier said than done to be sure, but needs must. Love is the only way through the darkness.

Which brings me to a vague point to my writing to the ether today. I am one of "those people" that many talk about when talking about "others/them". I have lived my entire life at the margin because I am disabled, because I am female, because I survived childhood sexual abuse, because I have mental health problems, because I love Jesus and - now more than ever - like to challenge religiosity and indoctrination BS. However, I am not weak, I am not pathetic, I am not stupid, I am not crazy, I do not foam at the mouth; I am a warrior, a survivor and a voice that cries in the wildnerness, alongside so many others, saying "wake up people! Repent! Time is running out!" 

I don't mean that in a Book of Revelation quoting, pulpit pounding "turn or burn" kind of theology, although come to think of it, it almost IS exactly that. Time is running out for swathes of humanity if we do not take responsibility for our actions from food choices, to clothing choices, to fuel choices, to attitude choices. 

We absolutely must engage our entire selves in turning ourselves around from the destructive practices we employ in our daily lives in order to effect positive change that might, possibly, see the tide turn in our environment's favour, or get burned by global famine, toxic air, poisoned water and searing heat and bone-chilling cold.

We western humans are a dumb section of the human species. 

For all our clever science and technology, our creativity, our wordsmithery or physical strength, even our wisdom, we really are dumb and dumber on steroids. 

The love of money, the desire for more/bigger/better/faster and the endless pursuit of "happiness" has robbed us of our connection with our consciences. We blame everyone but ourselves (the real problem) for our problems.

But what actually happens when, say, the crops in Africa, Asia, Central & South America & the Caribbean and Eastern Europe that feed the (predominantly) white west begin to fail year after year? 

What actually happens when the use of evil toxic chemical sprays kill off thousands of insect species, especially bees, and there are fewer and fewer pollinators around for forests, crops etc to continue their reproductive cycles? 

Who suffers? 

NOT the west, not initially, but those who work tirelessly to provide far more food than we in the west have need for while they themselves will starve to death every day. Sadly this is already the reality today. Imagine how bad that will get when the crops around the world DO start to decline - and they will. 

Of course the USA and Australia & New Zealand also over produce food, but mostly for others in the 'west'. So obesity continues to rise whilst the majority of the world starves and the west whinges about not having 'enough'. (Enough what?! Death?)

What I would like to see happen is the governments of the west to order a reduction (and eventual cessation) of large-scale meat production, a reduction in fishing quotas, the banning of GMO crops, the banning of pesticides and a total ban on intensive farming of all kinds (meat, dairy, fish, agriculture). I would also like to see a total ban on cutting down rainforest areas.

Drastic? Yes. 

Overly ambitious? Maybe. 

Impossible? No. It shouldn't be. Not if people really put their money where there mouths are.

We need to wake up to the cold hard truth that the way we live in the 'west' is damaging the rest of life on Earth. We alone must bear the lion's share of the blame. We are the ones who colonised, raped, pillaged, plundered and massacred our way around the globe and it is about time that we stood up and faced the Truth. Repent! The time is NOW for us to act. 

We have the power. That power is nothing but bluster if we do not use that for the good of our home. Stop confusing power with domination and subjugation, and recognise that it is more effective and beneficial when used to raise up and submit to the needs of all people. 

True power, wisdom and might is in knowing that we must seek Justice, love Mercy and walk Humbly with our God and our fellow living creatures (especially the human ones of all nations and creeds). 

Tell people you love them today, it may very well make a difference.

In rage and hope,
I pray Shalom.


Sunday 21 May 2017

Sea Trials

It has been a while since I wrote anything like a blog post, barring the sly cut-and-paste affair of the '18 Years Post Stroke' offering over at Barney James, Dave & the Loris a couple of months ago...

So anyway, this is a new spangly and, indubitably, irreligious, irreverent blog for my wonderful wanderings through this thing we call life and the faith which I profess, struggle and muddle along with.

Life is not easy, but it is not awful either, We all know that I have to cope with physical and mental health issues, but what do these look like under the wings of the God who says he cares for us like an Eagle cares for her young. Well, from where I am sitting, things still look pretty bleak and definitely shady and they are properly stinky like a flowering Titan Arum. But despite this dire appraisal I can honestly say that there is an abundance of Joy in my heart.

Yes. Even in amongst the tangle of lies that the godforsaken Depression Monkeys of Doom (DMoDs) constantly spit out in my head as they dance their whirling dervishes to the father of lies there is Joy. Not from my own conjuring, you understand, but simply because I am a daughter of the Most High God. Nothing can take THAT joy away from me. Admittedly on really bad days I struggle to connect with it, but most days I am able to find at least some of that Joy and be thankful that I am still alive and kicking.

Today was a good day. For many reasons. Not least of these was my having actually made it out of the house and to church on a Sunday morning for the first time since moving last November! And what a day! Eric D- was preaching and he was reminding us of that great Promise, not command, that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all of your mind, with all of your strength and with all of your soul, and, of course, you shall also love your neighbour as yourself. It was like a klaxon-call to the church, as Eric reminded us of the  pure and simple fact that there has never ever been anyone quite like YOU before, and God pours out the whole of His Love over, into, through and around YOU: for everyone everywhere for eternity!

I know some of you might be thinking, what a crock of crap, but it isn't. It is a very simple and plain truth. There's nothing to argue against love. Love just simply IS. Love is love, is love is love. 

God told Moses his name: I AM

God IS. It's not a trick. It is a pure statement of truth. The whole of God's energy is Love.

God is LOVE.

God just IS. God just is in the same way that air just is, that each individual element is, in the same way that the beautiful laws of Physics just are, the same as the awesome way in which living beings are knitted together. These things just are. The entire expanse of this ever-expanding Cosmic Multiverse just IS. And it is beautiful. Unfathomable. Yet even this is but a pale reflection of all that God is.

All that God wants from me, you and anyone else is for us to accept this love, because it is given freely, it is there for you to take hold of and to love yourself and to love those around you and God would love it if you love God back, because just as energy (matter) never disappears neither does Love.

The young physicist Max Loughan says that God is the energy (that sustains the universe). I have long believed that quantum physics would help those of us with inquiring minds to develop new ways of connecting with the divine and relating to the cosmos.

It's no accident, methinks, that my love for everything in and on this little blue planet and beyond it has fuelled a lifelong passion to understand how it all fits together and how it all works - and believe me, I know only the smallest of fragments! (Though not for the want of trying!)

My life feels like it's on hold right now, "in a siding" as one fellow at church termed it this morning, but there is healing happening and I hope that once some of this mental fog is gone I'll see a bit more clearly and have brainspace to take up more studies...

I'm sorry that this is not a polished piece of blogging genius, but it is almost midnight on Sunday 21 May, but I just wanted to get some stuff out of my head.
